

Com­pa­ny Foundation
The safe­tec Bran­des und Nie­hoff GmbH is foun­ded in Lüne­burg (Lower Sax­o­ny, Ger­ma­ny) by Klaus Bran­des and Dirk Nie­hoff. The suc­cessful debut of their SDS-2/6 Smo­ke Detec­tion Sys­tem at the SMM 1994 trade fair is fol­lo­wed by the mar­ket launch in 1995.
Smo­ke Detec­tion Sys­tem SDS-48

In 2001 safe­tec laun­ches a new gene­ra­ti­on of the Smo­ke Detec­tion Sys­tem: SDS-48.

Alarm and Con­trol Sys­tem ACS-1

In 2003 the Alarm and Con­trol Sys­tem ACS-1 is laun­ched. Espe­ci­al­ly sui­ta­ble for the pro­te­ci­on of pro­per­ty or engi­ne rooms and sprink­ler systems.

CO2 Release Sys­tems EP-CO2 & E-CO2

In 2006, the Elec­­t­­ro-Pneu­­ma­­tic CO2 Release Sys­tem EP-CO2 is intro­du­ced, espe­ci­al­ly sui­ted for crui­se ships. Pre­ce­ded by a com­plex appr­oval pha­se the Elec­tric CO2 Release Sys­tem is intro­du­ced in 2008.

Pump Star­ter PST-3008

Mar­ket launch of the PST-3008 Pump Star­ter for water-based high-pres­­su­­re extin­gu­is­hing systems.

Elec­tric Release Sys­tem E-GAS

In 2010 the Elec­tric Release Sys­tem E-GAS is laun­ched, spe­ci­al­ly deve­lo­ped for the release of gases that are not CO2. In the same year safe­tec cele­bra­tes a mile­stone with more than 6,000 smo­ke detec­tion sys­tems sold worldwide.

ISO 9001:2008 cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on, PST-1002, NOV-1

In 2012 the ISO 9001:2008 cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on is achie­ved and the NOV-1 Release Sys­tem as well as the PST-1002 Pump Star­ter for water-based low-pres­­su­­re extin­gu­is­hing sys­tems are launched.

NOV-2 Release System

2013 the NOV-2 Release Sys­tem is intro­du­ced. A modern and com­pact suc­ces­sor of the NOV-1.

ISO 9001:2015 cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on, Relo­ca­ti­on, SDS-72

2018 the Smo­ke Detec­tion Sys­tem SDS-72, adapt­ed to increased requi­re­ments, was laun­ched. In addi­ti­on, safe­tec moved into a modern com­pa­ny buil­ding in Scharne­beck after two years of reno­va­ti­on. Fur­ther­mo­re the ISO 9001:2015 cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on is achieved.

Chan­ge of Management

In 2023 the foun­der and long-time mana­ging direc­tor Klaus Bran­des con­si­gned the lea­der­ship to Tymo­teusz Boj­kow­ski. Klaus Bran­des remains acti­ve as a com­mis­sio­ner, con­ti­nuing to con­tri­bu­te valuable expe­ri­ence and tech­ni­cal knowledge.

12 reasons for safetec products and services

Quality guarantee

Safe­tec’s pro­ducts stand for first-class qua­li­ty. The enti­re ran­ge of ser­vices is in the hands of experts.

Wide range of products

Safe­tec offers a sui­ta­ble solu­ti­on for every application.


No ques­ti­on of defi­ni­ti­on - Safe­tec’s sys­tems stand for reliability!

Customer service

Do you need help? - We are hap­py to help whe­ther by e-mail, tele­pho­ne or on site!

Compliance with regulations

No delays due to impro­per fire alarm systems.

Industry expertise

As an indus­try insi­der, Safe­tec is always up to date.


Our goal is long-las­ting sys­tems - invest in the future.

Ergonomic design

The focus is on con­ve­ni­ence and user-friendliness.

Customer feedback

Our exis­ting cus­to­mers value our pro­ducts - regu­lar feed­back con­firms this.

Certification experience

Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on too com­pli­ca­ted? Safe­tec keeps the overview!

Individual customizations

Can’t find any­thing sui­ta­ble? We accept the challenge!

Prepared for everything

Also our cus­to­mers - we offer exten­si­ve trai­ning for our sys­tems, just ask!