
of SDS-72

Smoke Detection Panel Type SDS-3000

The Smo­ke Detec­tion Panel SDS-3000 is nor­mal­ly loca­ted in the CO2 room of a ves­sel. The ope­ra­ti­on inter­face allows moni­to­ring of the sys­tem sta­te (alarm, fault and sta­tus mes­sa­ges) as well as manu­al­ly swit­ching the fans and reset­ting alarms. The Smo­ke Detec­tion Panel includes the power con­ver­ter, the ter­mi­nals for the detec­tor loops and the con­trol / power out­puts for the fan motors / fan unit.

For con­nec­tion of local smo­ke detec­tion units or exten­si­on panels dif­fe­rent num­bers of safe­ty bar­ri­er chan­nels are available. An exter­nal ana­lo­gue addressa­ble detec­tion loop can be cho­sen for the moni­to­ring of air exhaust ducts accor­ding FSS Code Ch. 10 Smo­ke Detec­tion Panels of the type SDS-3000 have no own smo­ke detec­tors, they are pure con­trol / indi­ca­ti­on panels and need to be con­nec­ted to accor­ding sys­tem parts with detec­tors like e.g. Exten­si­on Panels or Smo­ke Detec­tion Units (SDU). The Smo­ke Detec­tion Panel SDS-3000 can be con­fi­gu­red as con­trol - or as indi­ca­ti­on - (remo­te -) panel. All indi­ca­ti­ons, signals and func­tions are strict­ly accor­ding EN 54-2. They are part of all three vari­ants (A, B, C) of SDS-72 systems.

Dimen­si­ons Enclo­sure (W×H×D):380 × 300 × 210 mm
Weight:10 kg
Ope­ra­ti­on Temperature:0 °C to +55 °C
Degree of Protection:IP22
Sur­face:Dipcoat pri­med, pow­der-coa­ted, tex­tu­red RAL7035
Ope­ra­ti­on Voltage:2 × 110 - 230 V AC
Cur­rent Con­sump­ti­on (wit­hout Fan Motors):2 × approx. 0,2 A (230 V AC), 2 × approx. 0,3 A (110 V AC)

Smoke Detection Panels SDS-3104, 3108 and 3112

The Smo­ke Detec­tion Panels SDS-3104, SDS-3108 and SDS-3112 are com­bi­na­ti­ons of a Smo­ke Detec­tion Panel SDS-3000 with an Exten­si­on Panel SDS-3204, SDS-3208 or SDS-3212. They are nor­mal­ly loca­ted in the CO2 room of a ves­sel. The ope­ra­ti­on inter­face allows moni­to­ring of the sys­tem sta­te (alarm, fault and sta­tus mes­sa­ges) as well as manu­al­ly swit­ching the fans and reset­ting alarms.

The Smo­ke Detec­tion Panels include the power sup­p­ly, inter­nal detec­tion lines, ter­mi­nals for extersi­on units (optio­nal), ter­mi­nals for exter­nal detec­tor loops (optio­nal), and the con­trol / power out­puts for the fan motors / fan unit. For con­nec­tion of exten­si­on panels dif­fe­rent num­bers of safe­ty bar­ri­er chan­nels can be deli­ver­ed. The panels are cen­tral parts of vari­ant A of an SDS-72 - sys­tem. They can be used as a „plug-and-play“ repla­ce­ment of an older SDS-48 - instal­la­ti­on. Even if that was equip­ped with an addi­tio­nal Syn­cro ASM fire detec­tion for the exhaust air ducts the same basic cabling can be used, seve­ral pri­or neces­sa­ry junc­tion boxes can be omitted.

Dimen­si­ons Enclo­sure (W×H×D, wit­hout fittings):380 × 600 × 210 mm
Weight:22 kg to 25 kg
Ope­ra­ti­on Temperature:0 °C to +55 °C
Degree of Protection:IP54 (upper enclo­sure, detec­tion box)
IP22 (lower enclo­sure, control/evaluation box)
Sur­face:Dipcoat pri­med, pow­der-coa­ted, tex­tu­red RAL7035
Ope­ra­ti­on Voltage:2 × 110 - 230 V AC
Cur­rent Con­sump­ti­on (wit­hout Fan Motors):2 × approx. 0,2 A (230 V AC), 2 × approx. 0,3 A (110 V AC)
Dimen­si­ons Enclo­sure (W×H×D, wit­hout fittings):380 × 900 × 210 mm
Weight:37 kg to 40 kg
Ope­ra­ti­on Temperature:0 °C to +55 °C
Degree of Protection:IP54 (upper enclo­sure, detec­tion box)
IP22 (lower enclo­sure, control/evaluation box)
Sur­face:Dipcoat pri­med, pow­der-coa­ted, tex­tu­red RAL7035
Ope­ra­ti­on Voltage:2 × 110 - 230 V AC
Cur­rent Con­sump­ti­on (wit­hout Fan Motors):2 × approx. 0,2 A (230 V AC), 2 × approx. 0,3 A (110 V AC)
Dimen­si­ons Enclo­sure (W×H×D, wit­hout fittings):380 × 1200 × 210 mm
Weight:52 kg to 55 kg
Ope­ra­ti­on Temperature:0 °C to +55 °C
Degree of Protection:IP54 (upper enclo­sure, detec­tion box)
IP22 (lower enclo­sure, control/evaluation box)
Sur­face:Dipcoat pri­med, pow­der-coa­ted, tex­tu­red RAL7035
Ope­ra­ti­on Voltage:2 × 110 - 230 V AC
Cur­rent Con­sump­ti­on (wit­hout Fan Motors):2 × approx. 0,2 A (230 V AC), 2 × approx. 0,3 A (110 V AC)

Extension Panels SDS-3208, 3212 and 3216

The Exten­si­on Panels SDS-3208, SDS-3212 and SDS-3216 are nor­mal­ly loca­ted in the CO2 room near by the Smo­ke Detec­tion Panel, to which they are con­nec­ted. The Exten­si­on Panels increase the num­ber of detec­tion lines.

The­se panels are a typi­cal part of vari­ant A of an SDS-72 - system.

Dimen­si­ons Enclo­sure (W×H×D, wit­hout fittings):380 × 600 × 210 mm
Weight:27 kg to 30 kg
Ope­ra­ti­on Temperature:0 °C to +55 °C
Degree of Protection:IP54
Sur­face:Dipcoat pri­med, pow­der-coa­ted, tex­tu­red RAL7035
Dimen­si­ons Enclo­sure (W×H×D, wit­hout fittings):380 × 900 × 210 mm
Weight:42 kg to 45 kg
Ope­ra­ti­on Temperature:0 °C to +55 °C
Degree of Protection:IP54
Sur­face:Dipcoat pri­med, pow­der-coa­ted, tex­tu­red RAL7035
Dimen­si­ons Enclo­sure (W×H×D, wit­hout fittings):380 × 1200 × 210 mm
Weight:57 kg to 60 kg
Ope­ra­ti­on Temperature:0 °C to +55 °C
Degree of Protection:IP54
Sur­face:Dipcoat pri­med, pow­der-coa­ted, tex­tu­red RAL7035

Smoke Detection Units SDU-3300, 3360 (SDU)

The Smo­ke Detec­tion Unit SDU allows smo­ke detec­tion in con­junc­tion with lar­ge CO2-pipe dia­me­ters of up to 150 mm. The fit­tings for the hose con­nec­tions at the top and at the bot­tom of the Smo­ke Detec­tion Unit can be adapt­ed to various hose con­nec­tion sizes. To pre­vent pre­ma­tu­re smo­ke detec­tor pol­lu­ti­on, a lar­ge dust fil­ter for dif­fe­rent par­tic­le sizes is inte­gra­ted. The dust fil­ter can easi­ly be clea­ned or exchanged.

The air­flow in the Smo­ke Detec­tion Unit is being moni­to­red per­ma­nent­ly. The air­flow detec­tion thres­hold can be adjus­ted accor­ding the pro­ject requi­re­ments. Seve­ral Smo­ke Detec­tion Units SDU are con­nec­ted elec­tri­cal­ly to the Smo­ke Detec­tion Panel by means of a 2-wire cable.

The SDU is a core part of the vari­ants B and C of an SDS-72 - system.

Dimen­si­ons Enclo­sure (W×H×D):150 × 300 × 120 mm
Weight:5 kg
Ope­ra­ti­on Temperature:-20 °C to +55 °C
Degree of Protection:IP54
Sur­face:Dipcoat pri­med, pow­der-coa­ted, tex­tu­red RAL7035
Dimen­si­ons Enclo­sure (W×H×D):160 × 360 × 91 mm
Weight:4,7 kg
Ope­ra­ti­on Temperature:-20 °C to +55 °C
Degree of Protection:IP54
Sur­face:Dipcoat pri­med, pow­der-coa­ted, tex­tu­red RAL7035

Smoke Detection Unit SDU-3350 (SDU-EVD)

The Smo­ke Detec­tion Unit SDU-EVD (type: SDS-3350) is used to moni­tor air samples at exhaust ven­ti­la­ti­on ducts. It must be moun­ted about the exhaust ven­ti­la­ti­on duct fan, with the input con­nec­ted to the high pres­su­re side and the out­put con­nec­ted to the low pres­su­re side.

A lar­ge remo­va­ble and washa­ble dust fil­ter is inte­gra­ted to pro­tect the smo­ke detec­tor against pol­lu­ti­on. The ver­si­ons of SDU-EVD for hazar­dous are­as must be con­nec­ted to junc­tion box SDS-3700, as an opti­on addi­tio­nal­ly with SDU (vari­ant C). SDU-EVD can be used with all three vari­ants of an SDS-72 - system.

Dimen­si­ons Enclo­sure (W×H×D):122 × 220 × 81 mm
Weight:approx. 2,15 kg
Ope­ra­ti­on Temperature:-20 °C to +55 °C
Degree of Protection:IP56
Sur­face:Pow­der-coa­ted, tex­tu­red RAL7035

Junction Box for Intrinsically Safe Detection Loops SDS-3700

SDS-3700 comes in dif­fe­rent ver­si­ons. All encom­pass loop - and gal­va­nic iso­la­tors for the con­nec­tion of intrin­si­cal­ly safe ana­lo­gue addressa­ble loop detec­tors. They dif­fe­ren­tia­te in the num­ber of detec­tion loops that can be con­nec­ted (1 or 2).

SDS-3700 is nee­ded for the con­nec­tion of eit­her SDUs or Smo­ke Detec­tion Panels in remo­te loca­ti­ons. SDS-3700 must be moun­ted in a safe area.

Dimen­si­ons Enclo­sure (W×H×D):200 × 200 × 155 mm
Weight:3,7 kg
Ope­ra­ti­on Temperature:0 °C to +55 °C
Degree of Protection:IP54
Sur­face:Dipcoat pri­med, pow­der-coa­ted, tex­tu­red RAL7035

Remote Panel SDS-3500

The remo­te panel SDS-3500 is available in a flush moun­ting and in a wall moun­ting ver­si­on. It is nor­mal­ly loca­ted on the navi­ga­ti­on bridge or in the fire con­trol sta­ti­on. The ope­ra­ti­on inter­face allows moni­to­ring of the sys­tem sta­te (alarm, fault and sta­tus mes­sa­ges) as well as manu­al­ly swit­ching the fans. The remo­te panel can be con­fi­gu­red as ini­ca­ting panel or as con­trol panel.

The flush mount remo­te panel requi­res an exter­nal adap­ter ADP-3500, which must be con­nec­ted by means of a flat cable. The wall mount remo­te panel has an inte­gra­ted adap­ter modu­le ADP-3500. The adap­ter modu­le includes vol­ta­ge free ter­mi­nals for con­nec­tion of alarm and fault signals to the ship’s alarm moni­to­ring sys­tem (AMS). Fur­ther an NMEA 0183 inter­face (RS422) is available to con­nect the smo­ke detec­tion sys­tem with the voya­ge data recor­der (VDR).

Dimen­si­ons Enclo­sure (W×H×D):240 × 144 × 50 mm
Weight:1,1 kg
Ope­ra­ti­on Temperature:0 °C to +55 °C
Degree of Protection:IP22
Sur­face:Black RAL9005 (key­board foil) on alloy plate
Dimen­si­ons Enclo­sure (W×H×D):300 × 200 × 120 mm
Weight:4,9 kg
Ope­ra­ti­on Temperature:0 °C to +55 °C
Degree of Protection:IP22
Sur­face:Dipcoat pri­med, pow­der-coa­ted, tex­tu­red RAL7035

Fan units SDS-M0440 and SDS-M0450

The fan units SDS-M0440 and SDS-M0450 are „dupli­ca­te sam­ple extra­c­tion fans“ for „Sam­ple Extra­c­tion Smo­ke Detec­tion Sys­tems“ as defi­ned in FSS-Code Chap­ter 10 and in RESOLUTION MSC.292(87). They are used for dra­wing air samples through pipe­lines from car­go holds to a smo­ke detec­tion panel and after pas­sing the smo­ke detec­tion panel con­vey­ing the air samples to free air.

The fan units are desi­gned accor­ding EN 14986 for dra­wing air from hazar­dous are­as. Howe­ver they must be loca­ted in a safe area. For more details see below. Both fan units are not only built accor­ding the Rules for “Non-Spar­king Fans” (IACS UR F-29), they car­ry an ATEX Ex pro­tec­tion appr­oval (EX II 2/- G Ex h IIC T6 GB/- -25°C ≤ Tamb ≤ +55°C).

SDS-M0440 is the “nor­mal” ver­si­on of the clas­sic safe­tec SDS fan unit. It is the per­fect com­ple­ti­on of a Vari­ant A – sys­tem of SDS-72. SDS-M0450 is an enlar­ged ver­si­on of this design, it can draw signi­fi­cant lar­ger amounts of air. It is sui­ted eit­her for very lar­ge Vari­ant A – sys­tems with num­e­rous lines or for Vari­ants B or C.

Both ver­si­ons can be uti­li­zed in dou­bled arran­ge­ments. Both can be deli­ver­ed with dif­fe­rent flan­ges to adapt them to the needs of a project.

Acces­soires in lar­ge num­bers like e.g. air fil­ters are available.

Dimen­si­ons (W×H×D):830 × 365 × 397,5 mm
Weight:46 kg
Ope­ra­ti­on Temperature:-25 °C to +55 °C
Degree of Protection:IP54
Sur­face:Dipcoat pri­med, pow­der-coa­ted, tex­tu­red RAL7035
Power Sup­p­ly:220/230 V AC 50/60 Hz
230 V: 510 W (50 Hz), 630 W (60 Hz)
Dimen­si­ons (W×H×D):830 × 399 × 397,5 mm
Weight:48 kg
Ope­ra­ti­on Temperature:-25 °C to +55 °C
Degree of Protection:IP54
Sur­face:Dipcoat pri­med, pow­der-coa­ted, tex­tu­red RAL7035
Power Sup­p­ly:220/230 V AC 50/60 Hz
230 V: 510 W (50 Hz), 630 W (60 Hz)


Pre­fil­ters are nee­ded when the sam­ple air extra­c­ted from the car­go hold con­ta­ins dust. The fil­ter inserts have dif­fe­rent fine­n­ess. They can easi­ly be taken out and clea­ned or repla­ced. They pro­tect the smo­ke detec­tors in the SDS-72 - sys­tem. The­se fil­ters come with dif­fe­rent flan­ges accor­ding the mecha­ni­cal arran­ge­ment in the pro­ject. They are com­pa­ti­ble with the lega­cy sys­tems SDS-2/6 and SDS-48.

The SDUs of the big­ger sys­tems also con­tain fil­ter inserts that can be clea­ned or repla­ced easily.

Services & Support

safe­tec offers solu­ti­ons for many appli­ca­ti­ons. Plea­se cont­act us direct­ly for advice and indi­vi­du­al solutions.

Our team is rea­dy to find the opti­mal solu­ti­on for your spe­ci­fic fire pro­tec­tion requirements.

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