Ser­vices of the safe­tec Bran­des und Nie­hoff GmbH

Services & Support

Ser­vice, sup­port & spa­re parts: Ever­y­thing about our con­trol sys­tems for firefighting

In the world of mari­ti­me fire pro­tec­tion, the com­pon­ents of the ACS-1 sys­tem for ‘E-WATER’, ‘E-GAS’ and ‘E-CO2’ are indis­pensable buil­ding blocks for safe­ty and effi­ci­en­cy. At safe­tec, we have spe­cia­li­zed in deve­lo­ping the­se sys­tems to meet the hig­hest safe­ty requi­re­ments. Every com­po­nent, from con­trol panels to spe­cia­li­zed release panels, is careful­ly desi­gned to enable opti­mal fire­fight­ing at sea.

Dis­co­ver the indi­vi­du­al ele­ments of our sys­tem, which tog­e­ther form a strong safe­ty net for your ships.

Pro­ject Engineering

Fac­to­ry Accep­tance Test (FAT)

Explo­si­on protection



Spa­re parts & support

Cont­act persons

Support or spare parts?

Do you need spa­re parts or sup­port?
We will be hap­py to help you.

Cont­act persons