Our Products for
Fire fighting at Sea

Best qua­li­ty for a maxi­mum
safe­ty at sea.

Crui­se Ships

Cruise Ships
safety on board

The safe­ty of pas­sen­gers and crew is the top prio­ri­ty on crui­se ships. Com­pre­hen­si­ve fire pro­tec­tion is essen­ti­al here. Safe­tec offers spe­cia­li­zed solu­ti­ons to ensu­re maxi­mum safe­ty on the­se gigan­tic ships.

Crui­se ships

Con­tai­ner ships

Container ships
and other cargo ships

An extra­c­tion smo­ke detec­tion sys­tem, as descri­bed in Chap­ter 10 of the FSS Code, is essen­ti­al for con­tai­ner ships and other car­go ships. safe­tec has been offe­ring such sys­tems sin­ce 1995.

Con­tai­ner ships

Off­shore platforms

Offshore platforms

Off­shore plat­forms often have so-cal­led “drop-in” power plants, which are instal­led in stan­dard con­tai­ners. As such plat­forms nor­mal­ly drill for oil or gas, a high­ly explo­si­ve atmo­sphe­re can deve­lop.

Off­shore platforms

Naval ves­sels

Naval vessels

The crew mem­bers of naval ves­sels face the toug­hest demands ima­gi­nable. Pro­tec­ting their lives and health from fire on board and its con­se­quen­ces is a top priority.

Naval ves­sels



Today, modern yachts are ful­ly-fled­ged ships. As they - like crui­se ships - car­ry peo­p­le who are not sea­fa­rers, a high degree of fire safe­ty is required


Services & Support

safe­tec offers solu­ti­ons for many appli­ca­ti­ons. Plea­se cont­act us direct­ly for advice and indi­vi­du­al solutions.

Our team is rea­dy to find the opti­mal solu­ti­on for your spe­ci­fic fire pro­tec­tion requirements.

Our ser­vices