
Components of The

In the world of mari­ti­me fire pro­tec­tion, the com­pon­ents of the ACS-1 sys­tem for ‘E-WATER’, ‘E-GAS’ and ‘E-CO2’ are indis­pensable buil­ding blocks for safe­ty and effi­ci­en­cy. At safe­tec, we have spe­cia­li­zed in deve­lo­ping the­se sys­tems to meet the hig­hest safe­ty requi­re­ments. Every com­po­nent, from con­trol panels to spe­cia­li­zed release panels, is careful­ly desi­gned to enable opti­mal fire­fight­ing at sea. 

Dis­co­ver the indi­vi­du­al ele­ments of our sys­tem that tog­e­ther form a strong safe­ty net for your vessels.

CP-110 control panel

The CP-110 con­trol panel is a core com­po­nent of most E-WATER, E-CO2 and E-GAS sys­tems that we offer at safe­tec. It dis­plays all mes­sa­ges from the con­nec­ted sys­tem, inclu­ding fire alarms, error mes­sa­ges and sta­tus reports. The user inter­face is desi­gned in accordance with EN 54-2 for ease of understanding.

Like almost all com­pon­ents in the ACS-1 fami­ly, it com­mu­ni­ca­tes with the sys­tem via the 4-wire CAN­bus. A red­un­dant ver­si­on of the CAN­bus can also be imple­men­ted. Poten­ti­al-free cont­acts are available for com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with the ship sys­tems, and of cour­se a con­nec­tion via RS485 or TCP-IP (Mod­bus) is also possible.

The CP-110 is the con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on mas­ter for the safe­tec sys­tems. This means that chan­ges to the con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on of a fire pro­tec­tion con­trol sys­tem are made on this panel, eit­her manu­al­ly in a dia­lo­gue or via a lap­top. Howe­ver, as the ACS-1 works with dis­tri­bu­ted intel­li­gence, the loss of the con­trol panel does not ren­der the sys­tem unusable once con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on is com­ple­te. The CP-110 can be inte­gra­ted into con­trol panels, con­so­les, modu­lar cabi­nets or wall-moun­ted enclosures.

Dimen­si­ons (W×H×D):240 × 144 × 50 mm
Weight:1,15 kg
Ope­ra­ti­on Temperature:0 °C to +55 °C
Degree of Protection:IP22
Sur­face:Black RAL9005 (key­board foil) on alloy plate

Remote release panel CP-220

The CP-220 remo­te con­trol panel is a main com­po­nent of E-WATER, with the excep­ti­on of sprink­ler sys­tems. It is desi­gned for use in the ship’s safety/fire con­trol cen­ter. It enables the start and stop of a dischar­ge in up to 9 sections.

CP-220 can be used for local pro­tec­tion and full pro­tec­tion (room pro­tec­tion). Indi­ca­tors for sys­tem sta­tus and FAULT con­di­ti­ons are available. The CP-220 can be sup­pli­ed in an IP-22 enclo­sure with a lockable front door or in an IP-55 version.

Dimen­si­ons (W×H×D):300 × 300 × 120 mm
Weight:6,5 kg
Ope­ra­ti­on Temperature:0 °C to +55 °C
Degree of Protection:IP22 (optio­nal IP55)
Sur­face:Dipcoat pri­med, pow­der-coa­ted, tex­tu­red RAL3000

Local release box RP-01

The RP-01 Local Release Box is a very simp­le, relia­ble device. It is a typi­cal com­po­nent of an E-WATER instal­la­ti­on, usual­ly for local appli­ca­ti­on sys­tems, but also for full pro­tec­tion systems.

A sin­gle press starts the dischar­ge pro­cess, a second press stops it and ends the delay time star­ted with the first press. A red LED indi­ca­tes the pre-alarm sta­tus. RP-01 also allows the con­nec­tion of alarm devices (24 V DC) and the sup­p­ly of fla­me detec­tors, mini­mi­zing the lay­ing of cables.

Dimen­si­ons (W×H×D):160 × 80 × 56 mm
Weight:0,35 kg
Ope­ra­ti­on Temperature:0 °C to +55 °C
Degree of Protection:IP65
Sur­face:RAL3000 (cover foil)

Pump starter for local applications PST-LA860

The PST-LA860 pump star­ter for E-Water FWBLAFFS sys­tems is a simp­le and relia­ble device that con­trols the system’s water pump. It moni­tors the indi­vi­du­al power sup­p­ly to the pump and swit­ches off if it detects a pump over­load. The pump can be swit­ched off, swit­ched on and set to automatic.

The sta­tus of the pump and star­ter is dis­play­ed on the CP-110 con­trol panel. Ver­si­ons with con­nec­tion to a pump hea­ter are available. PST-LA860 can be sup­pli­ed for pumps bet­ween 0.75 and 11 kW. Other ran­ges on request.

Dimen­si­ons Enclo­sure (W×H×D):200 × 300 × 155 mm
Weight:5,0 kg
Ope­ra­ti­on Temperature:-5 °C to +55 °C
Degree of Protection:IP66
Sur­face:Dipcoat pri­med, pow­der-coa­ted, tex­tu­red RAL7035
Ope­ra­ti­on Voltage:380 - 450 V 3~

Pump starters for sprinkler and room protection systems PST-1002 and PST-3008

The 1002 and 3008 series pump star­ters are the giants of E-WATER. They con­trol pumps for sprink­ler sys­tems, full pro­tec­tion (room pro­tec­tion), bil­ge foam pumps and moni­tors. The ran­ge extends from 1 or 1 + 1 up to 8 + 1 pumps.

Power is sup­pli­ed in accordance with the regu­la­ti­ons appli­ca­ble to the pro­ject. The same appli­es to the degree of red­un­dan­cy. Com­bi­ned sprink­ler and room pro­tec­tion sys­tems can be set up. All rele­vant values (sta­tus, tank level, water pres­su­re, etc.) are dis­play­ed on the CP-110 con­trol panel. Pump star­ters are manu­fac­tu­red on a pro­ject-spe­ci­fic basis. Plea­se cont­act safe­tec for details.

Services & Support

safe­tec offers solu­ti­ons for many appli­ca­ti­ons. Plea­se cont­act us direct­ly for advice and indi­vi­du­al solutions.

Our team is rea­dy to find the opti­mal solu­ti­on for your spe­ci­fic fire pro­tec­tion requirements.

Our ser­vices