Our Pro­ducts Our Ser­vices

We deve­lop the most relia­ble tech­no­lo­gy to save lives in emergency.

Products & Solutions

Our sta­te-of-the-art fire pro­tec­tion sys­tems are spe­ci­al­ly desi­gned for ship­ping in seg­ments such as car­go ships, naval ves­sels, crui­se ships, yachts and off­shore instal­la­ti­ons. With the “MADE IN GERMANY” qua­li­ty seal, our con­trol sys­tems for fire­fight­ing at sea offer first-class safe­ty and efficiency.

Find out more about our solu­ti­ons and how they help to ensu­re the safe­ty and relia­bi­li­ty of your ships and systems.

Gas-based sys­tems

CO2-based sys­tems

Water-based sys­tems

Smo­ke detec­tion sys­tems

Con­ven­tio­nal release sta­ti­ons

Services & Support

safe­tec sys­tems are fle­xi­ble. So is our cus­to­mer ser­vice. Do you still have ques­ti­ons? Cont­act us, we will help you quick­ly. Our aim is to offer you the best sup­port, whe­ther in the shi­py­ard, in port or at sea.

Our ser­vices & support

About us

Our mis­si­on: “We deve­lop the most relia­ble tech­no­lo­gy to save lives in an emer­gen­cy.” – a gui­ding prin­ci­ple that reflects our stri­ving for maxi­mum relia­bi­li­ty and safe­ty in emergencies.

Learn more about safetec

12 reasons for safetec products and services

Quality guarantee

Safe­tec’s pro­ducts stand for first-class qua­li­ty. The enti­re ran­ge of ser­vices is in the hands of experts.

Wide range of products

Safe­tec offers a sui­ta­ble solu­ti­on for every application.


No ques­ti­on of defi­ni­ti­on - Safe­tec’s sys­tems stand for reliability!

Customer service

Do you need help? - We are hap­py to help whe­ther by e-mail, tele­pho­ne or on site!

Compliance with regulations

No delays due to impro­per fire alarm systems.

Industry expertise

As an indus­try insi­der, Safe­tec is always up to date.


Our goal is long-las­ting sys­tems - invest in the future.

Ergonomic design

The focus is on con­ve­ni­ence and user-friendliness.

Customer feedback

Our exis­ting cus­to­mers value our pro­ducts - regu­lar feed­back con­firms this.

Certification experience

Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on too com­pli­ca­ted? Safe­tec keeps the overview!

Individual customizations

Can’t find any­thing sui­ta­ble? We accept the challenge!

Prepared for everything

Also our cus­to­mers - we offer exten­si­ve trai­ning for our sys­tems, just ask!