Introduction to SDS-72

SDS-72 is a Sam­ple Extra­c­tion Smo­ke Detec­tion Sys­tem for Car­go Holds. It nor­mal­ly uses the CO2 dischar­ge lines, which run into the pro­tec­ted Car­go Holds, for extra­c­ting the air samples. Fur­ther­mo­re it is used in Car Fer­ries. SDS-72 is the direct suc­ces­sor of the ubi­qui­tous SDS-48.

In fact it is pos­si­ble to order a sys­tem cal­led Vari­ant A with SDS-72 that is near­ly undis­tin­gu­is­ha­ble from its pre­de­ces­sor. This is very important when an older sys­tem has to be repla­ced. Even the fixing at the wall is the same as is the cabling needed.

Cont­act us Sys­tem components

Vari­ant A is a basic con­cept very well-known from the SDS-48 sys­tem. It offers a gre­at advan­ta­ge with its simp­le fea­ture of direct con­nec­tion of air exhaust duct detec­tors wit­hout an addi­tio­nal fire alarm panel.

In addi­ti­on to this advan­ta­ge, Vari­ant B allows con­nec­tion of lar­ge pipes with up to DN150 to the smo­ke detec­tion sys­tem and thus redu­ces the need of instal­ling a bunch of DN20 pipes.

Vari­ant C is a smart solu­ti­on for lar­ger ves­sels with a pas­sa­ge­way. A com­mon CO2 pipe bet­ween CO2 room and pas­sa­ge­way redu­ces the amount of neces­sa­ry pipe instal­la­ti­on signi­fi­cant­ly. The way for the air samples in the pipe net is short and thus allows for a fast respon­se to the occur­rence of smo­ke in the car­go space.

Services & Support

safe­tec offers solu­ti­ons for many appli­ca­ti­ons. Plea­se cont­act us direct­ly for advice and indi­vi­du­al solutions.

Our team is rea­dy to find the opti­mal solu­ti­on for your spe­ci­fic fire pro­tec­tion requirements.

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